Well my Montana friends and colleagues, Oregon has roundabouts. Lot's of them, it appears. In leaving Bend on Century Drive (the Cascade High Lakes Highway), we drove through no less than three of them (shown here in the pic from Google Earth, 2006)! No doubt they were built to accomodate heavy winter ski traffic to Mt. Bachelor and its impact on vehicle traffic coming from subdivisions. And we saw them in Eugene too, especially out on Greenhill Road to the west of town where much new development has been occurring.
The all work as well as Missoula's very own Higgins & Beckwith roundabout, but people travel them at significantly higher speeds. For any citizens, local officials, and planners who want to learn more about how well these work, I recommend contacting the public works departments of Bend and/or Eugene.
Goodbye for now - congratulations Spain on the World Cup! Leaving for Ireland on Saturday.