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Thursday, July 8, 2010

June 30 - Hittin' the Road

Left Mizoo around 1 pm. Kid's said it was surreal that we were finally leaving. The road through the Clark Fork Valley was green and absolutely beautiful. My heart would die if I knew I was leaving permanently. Ran into a boat check station in Idaho (checking for Aquatic Invasive Species!) just East of Cataldo Mission. Had to stop because we had three boats along for the ride - even though Gret thought the canoe and kayak shouldn't count. Awesome! So glad that Idaho has stations now - Montana's are few but hopefully increasing thanks to Caryn Miske, Senator Verdell Jackson, and the Montana 2009 Legislature! We do have the beginnings of a decent program, but we need to be so vigilant. I fear the worst, though, having lived in Michigan w/ Zeeba Mussels, Snakeheads, and Quagas!

So here's the pic for the post - our boat laden short caravan on the OREGON bank of the Great Columbia River at Umatilla. Even outside of the Hanford reach, have to dig down and say, "Roll on Columbia!"