I Support the Seven Principles of the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education! You Should Too!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Second National Conference of the CFHE

I'm in Boston where the 2nd annual meeting of the Campaign for the Future of Higher Ed just concluded.  I'd post a picture or two from the event, but they're not out yet!  Stay tuned.

I wasn't able to be involved with the Campaign last year because I was traveling, but am happy that I can be now.  This national organization (see the link at right and the Seven Principles above) is tackling the critical issues that impact America's ability to deliver quality public higher education to the people who need and want this. The facts are:

1) People of color and those who don't have much in their pockets are being squeezed out of colleges;
2) Most of the 99 percent are going into deep debt paying for a basic college education;
3) Established faculty are being squeezed out by temporary workers (contingent faculty), contingent faculty are being denied the right to stable employment, salaries that afford a very basic quality of life, and essentially have no academic freedom;
4) The quality of higher education is under serious assault;
5) Big business is staging a massive takeover of the American system and institutions of higher ed.

Enough Already!

If you are a student, a parent or guardian, or a college teacher, you need to learn more about these issues and what you can do about them. We can't be complacent any longer!  This blog will provide information, resources, and connections to organizations that are tackling these issues community by community, state by state, and nationally.

I'm a professor because I believe in the power and value of education - I know you do too! Support your local college or University; Mel Brooks would.