We've spent the last two weeks in Aberystwyth and have done some research, sight seeing, and fishing (these are all inter-related of course!). Dave experienced wonderful hospitality on the part of Michael Woods (Professor and Head of Geography at Aberytstwyth University), Chris Bear (Lecturer at AU), Dai Ricketts (of the Llanilar Angling Association, Welsh Salmon and Sea Trout Assoc., and Captain of the Welsh National Angling Team), and Mark Sedgewick ( of the Aberystwyth Angling Association). Many, many thanks to Chris, Dai, and Mark for the loads of valuable information, and for the coffee, the field trip (including time on the river), and the pint of best bitter (all respectively!).
Sewin (sea trout) and salmon angling in Wales is stronger than ever and the levels of local organization and attempts to influence national policy are increasing, and much of this is in response to declining returns of fish and increased activity of other river users. These are problems that are similar to Ireland, and in the US. It seems that a broader study of the status of anadromous fishes would be in order (a meta-analysis), but will have to save that for later and perhaps with the help of others! The pic on the top is of the Boyz about to begin fishing for Sewin on the Ystwyth last night. We fished from Dusk to about 11 pm (in the dark!).
The pic on the bottom is of the Environment Agency, Wales, flood awareness campaign promotion. We visited with a couple of their staff on the street today and will later access the flood zone maps for Wales and England to compare with those produced by FEMA in the US.
We're off to North Wales, the Lakes District, and Scotland next in the Silver Bullet (our Peugot 5008)! Will update you as we can. Cheers!