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Monday, February 7, 2011

The Mighty Mataura

We've spent some time in and around the Mataura River basin for the last five days, fishing and interviewing anglers. The town of Gore calls itself "The World Capital of Brown Trout Fishing" due to the incredible fisheries here, and ranks high on the list of piscatorial landscapes of the world (see the pic of the giant brown trout above!). After visiting Stu's World Famous Flyshop in Athol, we did some fishing on the nearby Oreti and the middle Mataura and Wakaia (Gret had some success!), we came to Gore because of iminent inclement weather and our needs for internet for school and work. After about 75 mm of precip on Sunday night (we were in our tents!), the Mataura has risen to flood stage (see pic above). Its browns are going to be even browner!

Fisheries management here in New Zealand, outside of Lake Taupo on the North Island, is the responsibility of Fish and Game Councils that operate at the regional and national levels. These councils are comprised of members elected by hunting and/or fishing license holders, and is autonomous in regard to the national government. All of its revenue comes from license fees, and it sets regulations, reviews and comments on consents for development (hydroprojects, water abstractions, dairy operations, urban projects, etc.) as well as working to protect threatened rivers and waters with conservation orders. I'm still learning about the details of these activities, but the system seems to be quite unique in that it is run by the sporting stakeholders themselves. Still, there seems to be a lot of room for politics!

We will try the Mataura and some of its neighboring rivers and tributaries after they drop back into fishable shape (we are still in search of more wading boots to replace those we sent home because their felt soles are banned by the government for fear of new aquatic invasive species introductions), but until then we plan to visit Invercargill and Milford Sound. Will report further when the opportunity presents itself.

Until later, Cheers!