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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why there are so many deadly diseases in the developing world.

So, we all had a learning experience yesterday when the Shives went for their travel health consultation and immunizations at the Missoula City-County Health Department. The consultation lasted a good hour, it took the nurse another half-hour to draw up all of the vaccinations (Hep A & B, Tetanus, Meningitis, & Pneumonia) as well as writing up prescriptions for Malarone (for Malaria - this will cost $500-$600 when we fill them) and getting the oral Typhoid medications for us. Many pokes later, the painful part began - the cost for the four of us was $825! So Rio and Ari got to learn why it is difficult to curb many diseases in developing world states (and as Ari noted, why its important to have a decent job). Here is a picture of the room we spent a good hour in waiting for the vaccinations (Photographer - Ari).